Seamless Gutters
Advantage also installs seamless gutters in sizes ranging from 4” to 7”. Our supply house has a gutter machine on a truck that comes to our job sites and produces custom fit gutter lengths for your home. They can produce a seamless gutter up to 200ft in length. The gutters are heavy gauge aluminum and come in a variety of colors.
We also install gutter apron flashings with our gutters. This is a piece of aluminum flashing vent in an “L” shape. The top part of the “L” goes underneath the first shingle and the bottom goes into the back of the gutter. The function of this apron is to protect the gutter board from deteriorating.
Although some companies try to cut cost using the old spike and ferrule way of attaching gutters, we only use hidden hanger systems. A hidden hanger is a strong bar that attaches to the inside of the gutter and is screwed to the ends of the roof rafters with a 3″ screw. This assures the gutters stay attached even with the heaviest snow loads.